Sonja Geracsek Motion Graphics

Unveiling Public Private Development Partnerships (PPDP) for UNIDO


When the United Nations Industrial Development Organization (UNIDO) needed a compelling way to convey the intricacies of their Public Private Development Partnerships (PPDP) initiative to both English and French-speaking audiences, they turned to Kurzgesagt.

The task at hand was to create an enlightening explainer video that would not only break down the complex topic of how PPDP helps strengthen the public sector through vocational training in many countries but also underline its crucial significance.


Sonja led the motion design production and collaborated closely with Kurzgesagt's in-house illustration team.

A unique challenge emerged as the need to create versions in both English and French arose. This required to adjust the pacing of scenes to match the respective languages, while maintining the same visuals across all video products —

an aspect that added a new layer of intricacy to the animation process.


Created a digestible yet impactful motion graphics production in the signature Kurzgesagt style, while delivering the client's message.

Conveyed a multi-dimensional narrative, dissecting the complex theme of how PPDP strengthens the public sector through vocational training across numerous countries.

Illustrated how development agencies unify companies, workers, and government entities, thus promoting equal opportunities.

Amplified UNIDO's mission and captured multilingual audiences.


The collaboration with UNIDO underscores the ability to bring forth the core essence of an initiative, distilling it into an accessible narrative that resonates with audiences of various linguistic backgrounds.

This project exemplifies how motion design not only informs but also inspires, driving home the importance of visual storytelling as an impactful tool for communication and marketing.

Click below to view the campaign in action

Animation: Sonja Geracsek

lllustration: Kurzgesagt - in a Nutshell

Studio: Kurzgesagt - in a Nutshell

Client: UNIDO